Thursday, September 27, 2007

Journal Question

If you could contribute something to science or medicine, what would you do and why? Use reasons and details in your response.


martha said...

All the illnes, the newest and the oldest ones, are created or developed by changes in the normal function of the human body due to the disfunction of the endocrine or exocrine hormones,a deficiency of neurotransmitters, an error in the enzimatic function, the genetics changes, and all of them are the result of time,lifestyle changes as well as diet and activity changes; even more, the human participation as in the nuclear war, the introduction of transgenetic food and medicines, the manipulation of virus and the last and more worried, the genetic manipulation. IF I could contribute in a program to get a better world, I would studied and return to our roots, searching for natural medicines like the essential fats (omega 3-6-9), essential minerals (as boron, selenium,manganese, cooper among others),aminoacids which when there are lack of one or many of them could cause mental illness; and I could continue with illness as a result of the progress and civilitation but I´m going to stop here because Melina said I write too much.

MADV said...

One of the most important researches and also desired inventions are the production or duplication of the human blood with this achievement the humanity would be on conditions of reduce cancer and possibly to generate a vacine for HIV, well thats an imaginary but a good desire. Another wellness to people will be that blood donations were eliminated and infections by blood may be dessapear but most important in this case is that the problems with the low quantity of people with blood type AB - and B -would be resolved. In that kind of research or project i will love to contribute...

martha said...

It´s better to said the production of human artificial blood substitute rather than duplication. Expecting to be a cure of cancer or viruses infecctions, is a dream, as you said, because, while true blood serves many different funtions, artificial blood is designed for the sole purpose of transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body and it last only 20 hours, furthermore do not mimic the blood´s ability to fight diseases or clot. I think your idea is so original that I would like to be with you in your research.

Russell said...

You two certainly know more about this than most! Wow! And such a useful thing to know more about. While I don't really even feel like I know enough about medicine to give an intelligent asnwer about this question, one thing I can say I would like to reform is the basic system of health. Maybe if health care were more affordable (at least in the US), or if we in the West had a proactive health care culture, I think people should go to the doctor when they are healthy- not just all of a sudden when they are sick. They doctor's job is to keep everyone healthy- and if they get sick, then there's something wrong with the health care.

karen said...

I think this is a very difficult question, because there are so many illness that i like to eliminate, but if i could create a medicine that let the human to educate their body to always look forward to get the best practice, keep their diet and eliminate toxins that create illness like cancer, so this would be perfect to seek always the best habits and throw away drugs.